20 February 2023
Writing, Code
A written piece of varying length that appears on the company's time-indexed collection of such articles. Blogs frequently (but are not limited to) announce releases, reference other pages on the company site, and/or provide insight into new directions or company decisions.
Problem: You want to keep interested customers informed and aware of all the activities, plans, and artifacts your company is producing, while making the material available to SEO as well, capturing their attention for some period of time.
Context: You want their attention to be on your company, but not through a third party or on a third party website.
Solution: Host a blog, which is a series of shorter written pieces that are date-indexed (most recent first), and written in an informal style. Have the DevRel team write blog posts, either alone or in partnership with others within the company. Each blog entry is often around a single, small concept, such as the announcement of a release or new feature, and often written to include code within the body of the post.
Consequences: If the blog posts are accredited to the author (also known as a "byline"), the community gets the opportunity to get to know the author more directly, creating some brand recognition and familiarity, which in turn helps make the DevRel team more recognizable and approachable to customers and the community. (This will also help with Conference Session submissions and can be amplified by highlighting the posts on Social Media.)
Tags: devrel patterns