13 July 2007
At a software conference not too long ago, I was asked what book I was currently reading that I'd recommend, and I responded, "Robert Greene's The 33 Strategies of War". When asked why I'd recommend this, the response was pretty simple: "Because I believe that there's more parallels to what we do in military history than in constructing buildings."
Greene's book is an attempt at a distillation of what all the most successful generals and military leaders throughout history used to make them so successful. A lot of these concepts and ideas are just generally good practices, but a fair amount of them actually apply pretty directly to software development (whether you call it "agile" or not). Consider this excerpt from the Preface, for example:
The war [that exists in the real world] exists on several levels. Most obviously, we have our rivals on the other side. The world has become increasingly competitive and nasty. In politics, business, even the arts, we face opponents who will do almost anything to gain an edge. More troubling and complex, however, are the battles we face with those who are supposedly on our side. There are those who outwardly play the team game, who act very friendly and agreeable, but who sabotage us behind the scenes, ues the group to promote their own agenda. Others, more difficult to spot, play subtle games of passive aggression, offering help that never comes, instilling guilt as a secret weapon. On the surface everything seems peaceful enough, but just below it, it is every man and woman for him- or herself, this dynamic infecting even families and relationships. The culture may deny this reality and promote a gentler picture, but we know it and feel it, in our battle scars.
Without trying to paint a paranoid picture, this "dynamic of war" frequently infects software development teams and organizations; developers vs. management, developers vs. system adminstrators, developers vs. DBAs, even developers vs. architects or developers vs. developers. His book, then, suggests that we need to face this reality and learn how to deal with it:
What we need are not impossible and inhuman ideals of peace and cooperation to live up to, and the confusion that brings us, but rather practical knowledge on how to deal with conflict and the daily battles we face. And this knowledge is not about how to be more forceful in getting what we want or defending ourselves but rather how to be more rational and strategic when it comes to conflict, channeling our aggressive impulses instead of denying or repressing them. If there is an ideal to aim for, it should be that of the strategic warrior, the man or woman who manages difficult situations and people through deft and intelligent maneuver.
... and I want that man or woman heading up my project team.
It may seem incongruous to draw parallels between war and software development, because in war there is an obvious "enemy", an obvious target for our aggression and intentions and strategies and tactics. It turns out, however, that the "enemy" in software development is far more nebulous and amorphous, that of "failure", which can be just as tenacious and subversive. This enemy won't ever try to storm your cubicles and kill you or try to hold you for ransom, but a lot of the strategies that Greene talks about aren't so much about how to kill people, but how to think strategically, which is, to my mind, something we all of us have to do more of.
Consider this, for example; Greene suggests "six fundamental ideals you should aim for in transforming yourself into a strategic warrior in daily life":
Look at things as they are, not as your emotions color them. Too often, it's easy to "lose your head" and see the situation in emotional terms, rather than rational ones. "Fear will make you overestimate the enemy and act too defensively"; in other words, fear will cause you to act too conservatively and resist taking the necessary gamble on a technology or idea that will lead to success. "Anger and impatience will draw you into rash actions that will cut off your options"; or, anger and impatience will cause you to act rashly with respect to co-workers (such as DBAs and sysadmins) or technology decisions that may leave you with no clear path forward. "The only remedy is to be aware that the pull of emotion is inevitable, to notice it when it is happening, and to compensate for it."
Judge people by their actions. "What people say about themselves [on resumes, in meetings, during conversations] does not matter; people will say anything. Look at what they have done; deeds do not lie." Which means, you have to have a way by which to measure those deeds, meaning you have to have a good "feel" for what's going on in your department--simply listening to reports in meetings is often not enough. "In looking back at a defeat [failed project], you must identify the things you could have done differently. It is your own bad strategies, not the unfair opponent [or management decisions or unhelpful IT department, or whatever], that are to blame for your failures. You are responsible for the good and bad in your life."
Depend on your own arms. "... people tend to rely on things that seem simple and easy or that have worked before. ... But true strategy is psychological--a matter of intelligence, not material force. ... But if your mind is armed with the art of war, there is no power that can take that away. In the middle of a crisis, your mind will find its way to the right solution. ... As Sun-tzu says, 'Being unconquerable lies with yourself.' "
Worship Athena, not Ares. This one probably doesn't translate directly; Athena was the goddess of war in its form seen in guile, wisdom, and cleverness, whereas Ares was the god of war in its direct and brutal form. Athena always fought with the utmost intelligence and subtlety; Ares fought for the sheer joy of blood. Probably the closest parallel here would be to suggest that we seek subtle solutions, not brute force ones, meaning look for answers that don't require hiring thousands of consultants and developers. But that's a stretch.
Elevate yourself above the battlefield. "In war, strategy is the art of commanding the entire miliary operation. Tactics, on the other hand, is the skill of forming up the army for battle [project] itself and dealing with the immediate needs of the battlefield. Most of us in life are tacticians, not strategists." Too many project managers (and team members) never look beyond the immediate project in front of them to consider the wider implications of their actions. "To have the power that only strategy can bring, you must be able to elevate yourself above the battlefield, to focus on your long-term objectives, to craft an entire campaign, to get out of the reactive mode that so many battles in life lock you into. Keeping your overall goals in mind, it becomes much easier to decide when to fight [or accept a job or accept a project] and when to walk away."
Spiritualize your warfare. "... the greatest battle is with yourself--your weaknesses, your emotions, your lack of resolution in seeing things through to the end. You must declare unceasing war on yourself. As a warrior in life, you welcome combat and conflict as ways to prove yourself, to better your skills, to gain courage, confidence and experience." That means we should never let fear or doubt stop us from tackling a new challenge (but, similarly, we shouldn't risk others' welfare on wild risks). "You want more challenges, and you invite more war [or projects]."
Granted, it's not a complete 1-to-1 match, but there's a lot that the average developer can learn from the likes of Sun-Tzu, MacArthur, Julies Caesar, Genghis Khan, Miyamoto Musashi, Erwin Rommel, or Carl von Clausewitz.
Just for reference purposes, the original 33 strategies (some of which may not be easy or even possible to adapt) are:
Declare war on your enemies: The Polarity Strategy
Do not fight the last war: The Guerilla-War-of-the-Mind Strategy
Amidst the turmoil of events, do not lose your presence of mind: The Counterbalance Strategy
Create a sense of urgency and desperation: The Death-Ground Strategy
Avoid the snares of groupthink: The Command-and-Control Strategy
Segment your forces: The Controlled-Chaos Strategy
Transform your war into a crusade: Morale Strategies
Pick your battles carefully: The Perfect-Economy Strategy
Turn the Tables: The Counterattack Strategy
Create a threatening presence: Deterrence Strategies
Trade space for time: The Nonengagement Strategy
Lose battles but win the war: Grand Strategy
Know your enemy: The Intelligence Strategy
Overwhelm resistance with speed and suddenness: The Blitzkrieg Strategy
Control the dynamic: Forcing Strategies
Hit them where it hurts: The Center-of-Gravity Strategy
Defeat them in detail: The Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
Expose and attack your opponent's soft flank: The Turning Strategy
Envelop the enemy: The Annihiliation Strategy
Maneuver them into weakness: The Ripening-for-the-sickle Strategy
Negotiate while advancing: The Diplomatic-War Strategy
Know how to end things: The Exit Strategy
Weave a seamless blend of fact and fiction: Misperception Strategies
Take the line of least expectation: The Ordinary Extraordinary Strategy
Occupy the moral high ground: The Righteous Strategy
Deny them targets: The Strategy of the Void
Seem to work for the interests of others while furthering your own: The Alliance Strategy
Give your rivals enough rope to hang themselves: The One-Upmanship Strategy
Take small bites: The Fait Accompli Strategy
Penetrate their minds: Communication Strategies
Destroy them from within: The Inner-Front Strategy
Dominate while seeming to submit: The Passive-Aggression Strategy
Sow uncertainty and panic through acts of terror: The Chain-Reaction Strategy
What I'm planning to do, then, is go through the 33 strategies of war, analogize as necessary/possible, and publishthe results. Hopefully people find it useful, but even if you don't think it's going to help, it'll help me internalize the elements I want to through the process just for my own use. And, in the end, that's the point of "spiritualize your warfare": trying to continuously enhance yourself.
Naturally, I invite comment and debate; in fact, I'd really encourage it, because I'm not going to promise that these are 100%-polished ideas or concepts, at least as how they apply to software. So please, feel free to comment, either publicly on the blog or privately through email, whether you agree or not. (Particularly if you don't agree--the more the idea is tested, the better it stands, or the sooner it gets refactored.)