22 February 2022

concepts = ["Patterns"]
date = "2016-04-13T16:17:55-07:00"
languages = ["Swift"]
patterns = ["Creational"]
title = "Factory Method: Swift"


A FactoryMethod implementation in Swift.

Implementation: Swift

Factory Method is a relatively straightforward implementation in Swift,
as it is in many object-oriented languages.

We begin with a Product, which is abstract, and a concrete realization of that Product:

class Product {
    func DoSomething() {
        preconditionFailure("Should never be invoked")

class ConcreteProduct : Product {
    override func DoSomething() {
        print("ConcreteProduct did something\n")

The inheritance relationship here is necessary in that the Factory Method assumes the
type being constructed wants to vary, but without the clients having to know the exact
type of object being constructed. In order for that to work in a strongly-typed O-O language
(like Swift, or its kin Java, C# or C++), there needs to be a way to polymorphically
reference the things being constructed, and the easiest way to do that is via inheritance.
Product could, certainly, be a protocol, and if there is no shared implementation that
the various Product subtypes want to share, it arguably should be a protocol. (As a
matter of fact, it's likely best to assume that it should be a protocol until proven

The FactoryMethod then establishes a base class from which all Factory types will derive:

class Creator {
    func FactoryMethod() -> Product {
        preconditionFailure("Should never be invoked")
class ConcreteCreator : Creator {
    override func FactoryMethod() -> Product {
        return ConcreteProduct()

Again, it's possible that the Creator type could be a protocol, and, again, the
decision would hinge on whether the Creator-derived types have common functionality
they want or need to share. However, it's important that the ConcreteCreator types
have some kind of signature relationship to one another, as part of the point of
the pattern is that clients can use a Creator without having to worry about the
actual Creator type being used to construct the Products (that the client also wants
to remain somewhat ignorant of).

However, somewhere in the client code, a decision must be made as to the actual
derived type of Creator that is used, since the Creator hierarchy doesn't actually
make any decision until the FactoryMethod method is invoked:

let creator = ConcreteCreator()
let product = creator.FactoryMethod()

If the actual type of Creator is something the client wants to avoid deciding, then
this will probably want to be combined with other patterns.

Variation: Registry

In the scenario where we want a Registry, Swift can provide this in several forms.
The easiest is to take the Creator/ConcreteCreator hierarchy and have the Registry
hold instances of ConcreteCreator. However, we can also reduce the work required
to participate in this system if the ConcreteCreator is reduced to a
Constructor Function that is passed in to the Registry.
The Registry then decides (usually by means of a parameter passed into the
factory method call) which of these Constructor Functions to use.

So, for example, if we have the following product hierarchy:

class PaperProduct : Product {
    override func DoSomething() {
        print("Paper paper paper")
class SilverProduct : Product {
    override func DoSomething() {
        print("Silver all the way")
class DiamondProduct : Product {
    override func DoSomething() {
        print("Diamonds are forever")

Then we can set up the following Registry and FactoryMethod system:

class AnniversaryChooser {
    typealias RegEntry = (Range<Int>, () -> Product)
    static var registry = [RegEntry]()
    static func GetGift(years : Int) -> Product {
        for regEntry in registry {
            if regEntry.0.contains(years) {
                return regEntry.1()
        preconditionFailure("No case registered for \(years) case")
    static func Register(years : Range<Int>, creator : () -> Product) {
        registry.append(years, creator)

The key here will be when and how FactoryMethods are registered with the Registry.
Ideally, this happens when the type is loaded into the process, but unfortunately
Swift lacks any sort of "auto-load" facility within the language at present. In
that case, something must deliberately call Register, such as some top-level
code in the module when the module is first loaded:

                            creator: { () -> Product in return PaperProduct() } )
                            creator: { () -> Product in return SilverProduct() } )
                            creator: { () -> Product in return DiamondProduct() } )

let gift = AnniversaryChooser.GetGift(1)

Note that here we use simple Range objects to provide the criteria by
which the appropriate FactoryMethod ConstructorFunction is selected. For more
generalized systems, this "decision-making" step could itself be a function,
in which case we have generalized the Registry to a fairly generic implementation.

class Registry<Criteria, Product> {
    typealias RegEntry = ( (Criteria) -> Bool, () -> Product)
    var registry = [RegEntry]()
    func Register(decider: (Criteria) -> Bool, creator: () -> Product) {
        registry.append((decider, creator))
    func Create(criteria: Criteria) -> Product {
        for regEntry in registry {
            if regEntry.0(criteria) {
                return regEntry.1()
        preconditionFailure("No case registered for \(criteria) case")

This implementation, like the prior one, assumes that Creators have no other
responsibilities beyond that of creation, and so generalizes down to simple
functions for both the selection and construction process. In addition, unlike
the earlier implementation, this one assumes that the Registry will want to be
a constructed instance, rather than a set of static functions. This is necessary
in Swift (as of this writing, 2.2) because Swift disallows statics in generic
class declarations/implementations.