10 August 2024

"Hey boss, can we use this new library for the project?" "Hmm, not sure, let me check with the VP." "Hey boss, can we move to a more agile development process for our library?" "Great question, let me ask." "Hey boss, what do you want on your pizza?" "You know, let me run that up the flagpole...." The Flagpole Manager, for whatever reason, refuses to make any decision on their own, preferring instead to pass everything to somebody above them instead.


In many respects, management is there to make decisions that the team either cannot, will not, or doesn't have the broader perspective to effectively make. Decisions are a fact of life in any software development team, and if the decisions aren't made in a timely fashion, the team is hamstrung (if not crippled entirely) in their ability to deliver on their expectations.

However, as many the employee has learned, "You can be many things at this company, but the one thing you cannot be is wrong." Making a decision that costs the company money, time, or even just a hit to their reputation can all result in termination, and regardless of the state of the tech labor market, nobody really wants to be fired. (Leave on our own terms? Totally different story. But fired, even when we were planning to quit tomorrow? No thank you.)

And given the degree of complexity that sometimes accompany these decisions, making a decision is often not an easy thing, particularly when so many of them are more in the nature of a bet than a logical evaluation. In fact, as a general rule, managerial decisions are hard because if they were easy, somebody below you would've already made it!


Since making a decision can leave one vulnerable to the liability of being wrong, managers will often hedge their bets by "running things up the flagpole", which is to say, ask their boss for their input (and, tacitly, their decision). If a manager has ever been chewed out/disciplined for a decision, then later run a different decision past their manager that turned out to be wrong--and got no flak for it--that manager is now firmly convinced that any decision, no matter how insignificant or trivial, is best run past the boss first.

Were the boss always available, always informed, and always opionated on the topic in question, this habit would be only mildly irritating at best; unfortunately, the boss isn't always available, which means decisions are delayed until the boss can meet with the Flagpole. Likewise, the boss often isn't informed on the decision to be made, which means before the boss can make the decision, they will need background information and insight, which inevitably ties up members of the Flagpole's team, who must prepare to present the arguments "pro" and "con" to the boss, as well as any background materials. And, in certain cases, the boss simply won't care--or, more accurately, have a strong opinion, or the time required to form one, making all the time spent educating the boss and meeting with them for a decision a waste.

All of this leads to:



Dealing with a Flagpole Manager is simultaneously simple and hard.

If you work for the Flagpole. Well, as presented above, there's really two choices here:

If you are the Flagpole. First of all, good on you for recognizing the problem. Now you need to take the second step, which is to accept that the problem lies with you (not the organization, not your boss, not your team, not the kinds of decisions that need to be made, not the lack of information, it's all you), and do something about it.

If the Flagpole works for you. For the love of Drucker, stop enabling them! Your willingness to make the decisions for them is what's enabling their Flagpole-ish behavior, so cut that off right at the knees.

Tags: management   antipatterns