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Neward & Associates
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Some of my Favorites (Collections)
Management Tips
Speaker Tips
Developer Relations Thoughts
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Some of my Favorites (Individual posts)
O/R-M is the Vietnam of Computer Science
The Fallacies of Enterprise Computing
SSCLI 2.0 Internals
Recommended reading list
Functional Java
On Finding learning
The Value of Failure
Programming Promises; a Programmer's Hippocratic Oath
Patterns, Revisited
Overview and Index
Implementation notes
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Tag: management
An Engineering Manager Challenge
Antipattern: Decisions by Unanimous Consensus
Antipattern: Paranoia of Wrong
Antipattern: The Absentee Manager
Antipattern: The Bomb Manager
Antipattern: The C-Buddy Manager
Antipattern: The Documentation-Abuse Manager
Antipattern: The Flagpole Manager
Antipattern: The Funnel Manager
Antipattern: The Hammer Manager
Antipattern: The Headless Chicken Manager
Antipattern: The Laissez-Faire Manager
Antipattern: The Lateral-Move Manager
Antipattern: The Metric-Abuse Manager
Antipattern: The Perfectionist Manager
Antipattern: The Project Manager Manager
Antipattern: The Smartest-Engineer Manager
Apparently I'm #25...
Buy vs Build... Over Time
Cheating With Chat-GPT
Clausewitz on Policy (Software Craftsmanship)
Distributed Systems and Organization Design
Embracing "Old" Tech
Happy People Still Do Quit
Hire the fired
Intellectual Honesty
Is "Performance" Subjective or Objective?
Is Java "Done" like the Patriots, or "Done" like the Dolphins?
Ism: Credibility is Currency
Ism: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
Ism: Some Decisions are Bets
It is too possible
Logging Hours
Management Lessons for Developers
Manager Antipatterns
Manager Tips (Index)
Maybe is Selfish
Of Cost Centers, and Competitive Advantages
On Avoiding Foolish Opinions
On Equality
On the Google-bro Memo
Own, Collaborate, Inform
Parse shutdown lessons
Practice, practice, practice
Programming Promises (or, the Professional Programmer's Hippocratic Oath)
Recruiting the Right Way
Reflections on an Involuntary Sabbatical
Software Architecture, In Practice
Speaking Tips: James Ward's Suggestions on Abstracts
The Founding of Solidify/US
The Four Kinds of Research-and-Development Teams
The Full-Stack Developer Fallacy
The Player/Coach Fallacy
The Problem With Most R-and-D Teams
The R-and-D Library Team
The R-and-D Research Team
The R-and-D Scout Team
The R-and-D Spy Team
There is no such thing as "Best Practices": Context Matters
The Sphinx Manager
The Subtle Power of Teams
The Tech-Lead Manager
The Value of Failure
We Need to Talk
What has tech brought us?
When Interviews Fail
When to Command (and When to Collaborate)
Where does DevRel fit on an org chart?
Why Candidates Don't Trust Recruiting
Why the Bug Tracker
You don't want passion
Your Job is Not to Write Code