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O/R-M is the Vietnam of Computer Science
The Fallacies of Enterprise Computing
SSCLI 2.0 Internals
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Functional Java
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The Value of Failure
Programming Promises; a Programmer's Hippocratic Oath
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A Book Every Developer Must Read
Abstract Factory: Java
A Good TechBlog Read
A Java Language Cumulative Feature Rollup
Anonymous generic methods making things "just work"
Blackboard: Java
Builder: Java
Can the CLR "go dynamic"? Absolutely... and arguably, already is
Closure-based State: Java
Constructor Function: Java
Don't Fear the dynamic/VARIANT/Reaper...
Envoy (in Scala, JavaScript, and more)
Factory Method: Java
Functional Programming, for the Uninitiated (using Java)
Hard Questions About Architects
Interop Briefs: Begin at the Beginning...
Interop Briefs: Check your politics at the door
Interop Briefs: In-proc interoperability
Interop Briefs: In-proc interop with IKVM
Interop Briefs: Out-of-proc interop using Intrinsyc's J-Integra
Is "Performance" Subjective or Objective?
Is Java "Done" like the Patriots, or "Done" like the Dolphins?
Java Object.hashCode implementation
More on Ethics
Mort means productivity
My kingdom for a good macro language!
Of Fibers and Continuations
Of Zealotry, Idiocy, and Etiquette...
On Functional Programming in Java
On Types
Prototype: Java
Reclaiming Design Patterns (20 Years Later)
Sample programmers' quiz
Scala reactions
Scala reactions, pt2: Brevity
Scala reactions, pt3: Everything's an object
Singleton: Java
The relational database needs no "defense"
The Vietnam of Computer Science
The Vietnam of Computer Science
URLs as first-class concepts in a language