- An Engineering Manager Challenge
- Antipattern: Decisions by Unanimous Consensus
- Antipattern: Paranoia of Wrong
- Antipattern: The Absentee Manager
- Antipattern: The Bomb Manager
- Antipattern: The C-Buddy Manager
- Antipattern: The Documentation-Abuse Manager
- Antipattern: The Flagpole Manager
- Antipattern: The Funnel Manager
- Antipattern: The Hammer Manager
- Antipattern: The Headless Chicken Manager
- Antipattern: The Laissez-Faire Manager
- Antipattern: The Lateral-Move Manager
- Antipattern: The Metric-Abuse Manager
- Antipattern: The Perfectionist Manager
- Antipattern: The Project Manager Manager
- Antipattern: The Smartest-Engineer Manager
- Apparently I'm #25...
- Buy vs Build... Over Time
- Cheating With Chat-GPT
- Clausewitz on Policy (Software Craftsmanship)
- Debts, Tech and Otherwise
- Distributed Systems and Organization Design
- Embrace Change (Not Perfection)
- Embracing "Old" Tech
- Happy People Still Do Quit
- Hire the fired
- Intellectual Honesty
- Is "Performance" Subjective or Objective?
- Is Java "Done" like the Patriots, or "Done" like the Dolphins?
- Ism: Credibility is Currency
- Ism: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
- Ism: Some Decisions are Bets
- It is too possible
- Logging Hours
- Management Lessons for Developers
- Manager Antipatterns
- Manager Tips (Index)
- Maybe is Selfish
- Of Cost Centers, and Competitive Advantages
- On Avoiding Foolish Opinions
- On Equality
- On the Google-bro Memo
- Own, Collaborate, Inform
- Parse shutdown lessons
- Practice, practice, practice
- Programming Promises (or, the Professional Programmer's Hippocratic Oath)
- Recruiting the Right Way
- Reflections on an Involuntary Sabbatical
- Software Architecture, In Practice
- Speaking Tips: James Ward's Suggestions on Abstracts
- Synchronous Work, Asynchronous Work
- The Founding of Solidify/US
- The Four Kinds of Research-and-Development Teams
- The Full-Stack Developer Fallacy
- The Player/Coach Fallacy
- The Problem With Most R-and-D Teams
- The R-and-D Library Team
- The R-and-D Research Team
- The R-and-D Scout Team
- The R-and-D Spy Team
- There is no such thing as "Best Practices": Context Matters
- The Sphinx Manager
- The Subtle Power of Teams
- The Tech-Lead Manager
- The Value of Failure
- We Need to Talk
- What has tech brought us?
- When Interviews Fail
- When to Command (and When to Collaborate)
- Where does DevRel fit on an org chart?
- Why Candidates Don't Trust Recruiting
- Why the Bug Tracker
- You don't want passion
- Your Job is Not to Write Code